I knew filmmaking and creating different forms of content was my calling since I was a 7 year old kid stealing my parents' video camera. I have always been intrigued by the craziness of the world and expressing it through visual storytelling.
As a filmmaker, I’ve turned my passion into my profession.
As a digital marketing expert, I've helped businesses of all sizes achieve their online goals through strategic planning and innovative execution.
As a visual storyteller, I’ve mastered capturing the magic in the mundane.
As a content creator, I’ve mastered the art of collaboration, partnering with brands to create engaging content that feels authentic and inspires not only me, but my friends, family and followers too. I feel tremendously lucky to have built such a strong, loyal community that has grown with me.
These days I hold multiple titles - filmmaker, digital marketing expert, content creator, social media ‘influencer’, visual storyteller… but my goal hasn’t changed: seek new adventures and inspire others to do the same.
CONTAct me
For promotional and business collaborations, or for any personal questions, you can reach me here:
contact@elakir.com or drop me a line: